- "Oh, stars, please show us the way, find someone worth returning!"
- — Zodiac
Zodiac (ゾディアック, Zodiakku) is a original character. He was created by Demon Sanya at 2022 for the story "Mistrust".
Middle Ages
- "Mistrust"
- "Hellhounds"
- "Consequences"
- "Respite" (not participate, but mentioned)
- Tis - interesting
- Zodiac Signs - gang
- Gemini - ally
- Scorpio - ally
- Taurus - ally
- Lexa - ally, later enemy
- Vortex - ally, later enemy
- Leo - ex-ally
- Aries - ex-ally
- Capricorn - ex-ally
- Sagittarius - ex-ally
- Aquarius - ex-ally
- Cancer - ex-ally
- Pisces - ex-ally
- Bloodian - employer
- Alexander - target
- Librant - employer
- Angelina - kidnapped her
- Zodiac - demon mercenary who can read the stars.
- Lover of drinking and gambling.
- Zodiac is a leader of a gang of thieves Zodiac Signs.
Games and Media
SoulCalibur Universe
Fighting Style
Zodiac uses Maxi's fighting style.
Gemini is the same form as Maxi's Chained Sickles.
Critical Edge
Polar star
Soul Charge
Zodiac can switch into a different stance with an additional input after attacks or stop briefly to enter a Pure Soul Loop stance, which increases his damage. Constellation appears on Zodiac to show how close he is to entering Pure Soul Loop.