Demon Sanya Universe Wikia
Demon Sanya Universe Wikia

"Angel feathers!"
— Vortex


Vortex (渦, Uzu) is a original character. She was created by Demon Sanya at 2018 for the story "Fraternity Challenge".


Middle Ages

  1. "Fraternity Challenge - Part 1"
  2. "Fraternity Challenge - Part 2"
  3. "Tipping Point"
  4. "Mistrust"
  5. "Hellhounds"
  6. "Night Of Revelations" (not participate, but mentioned)
  7. "The Fall Of The Brotherhood" (not participate, but mentioned)
  8. "Consequences"
  9. "Castling"
  10. "Respite" (not participate, but mentioned)
  11. "Resurrection"



  • Vortex - invisible demon.
  • She is a childhood friend of Lexa.
  • During the war between the worlds of angels and demons for the possession of the world of mortals, Vortex lost her mother. She was raised by father Typhoon.
  • Years later, the thirst for revenge didn't leave Vortex. Wanting for revenge and justice she undoubtedly joined the Order Of Leviathan.
  • Eye of Leviathan gave to Vortex wind abilities.
  • As a child, Vortex was part of a gang of thieves Zodiac Signs and went by the nickname Libra.

Games and Media

SoulCalibur Universe

Fighting Style

Vortex uses Natsu's (SCV) and Taki's (SCVI) fighting styles.


Dragon's Fangs

Dragon's Fangs is the same form as Natsu's The Master (SCV) and Taki's Hunting Knife (SCVI).

Critical Edge

Shadow Snakes

Vortex will raise his swords above his head, then slam them into the ground, summoning the Greater Demon. Six wild explosions throw the enemy high into the air.

Shadow Blade

Vortex pulls out the first sword and slashes her opponent until they are trapped in a T-pose state. Then pulls out the second sword and stabs them which causes an explosion.

Soul Charge

Hidden sword of Vortex causes chip damage at all times. She additionally has a new projectile, a rarity among the roster.


SoulCalibur V

Ease of Use, Power, Attack Rate, Speed, Reach.

SoulCalibur VI

Difficulty, Type, Offense, Close, Defense, Far

Abaddon | Abigor | Adrian de Leon | Ailin | Aku | Aletta | Alex | Alexander (Demon / Human) | Alice | Andrei | Angelina | Anita | Ash | Barn | Black Ninja | Bloodian | Bob | Carmella | Christina | Clara | Death | Demian | Devil | Dominica | Elena | Ella | Fafnir | Fio | Fortune (Cat / Human) | Frost | Gemini | Iria | Jessica | Josh | Kami | Katarina | Kaya | Kira (Human / Golem) | Kriya | Lexa (Demoness / Human) | Leviathan | Librant | Lily | Lucia | Luka | Lyutsey | Mammona | Marcos | Margo | Marika | Mary | Max Tyler | Maximilian | Melia | Melkoel | Michael | Mike | Mira | Mouse | Natalie | Necro | Nemesis | Nero | Nexus | Nirvana | Nora | Nyx | Oksana | Olga | Peter | Petrovich | Phoenix | Potsak | Questa | Ricardo Montero | Rosario Montero | Sasha | Scarlet | Scorpio | Serik (Spider / Human) | Sigmar | Tamas | Taurelia | Taurus | Tis | Trix | Typhoon | Uris | Viktor Semyonov | Vincent | Viola | Void | Vortex | Walter | White Hacker | White Ninja | Wiglyph | Xion | Yon | Zara | Zodiac
Groups, Teams and Organizations
1/35 | Demons & Dragons | Fallen Angels | Fraternity Of Hell | Fu-Ma Ninja Clan | Greywing Cult | Institute Of Applied Exophysics | Ninja | Order Of Leviathan | Spider Team | Walking Dead | Zodiac Signs
Angel's Realm | Astral Chaos | Demon's Realm | Earth Realm | Realm Of The Dead
Dark Edge | Nameless | Scythe Of Death | Soul Calibur | Soul Edge