Demon Sanya Universe Wikia
Demon Sanya Universe Wikia
Demon Sanya SC6 111

DSU Stories

Краткий обзор серии (Series overview)
Часть 1 (Part 1)
Часть 2 (Part 2)
Часть 3 (Part 3)
  1. "Последствия" (2024)
  2. "Братья по оружию" (COMING SOON)
  3. "Мать воров" (COMING SOON)
  4. "Девушка-дракон" (COMING SOON)
  5. "Судьба" (2019)
  6. "Близнецы" (COMING SOON)
  7. "Голем" (COMING SOON)
  8. "Три подруги" (COMING SOON)
  9. "Соул Эдж против Соул Калибура" ("Soul Edge Versus Soul Calibur") (2014)
  10. "Закат Эпохи Соул Эджа и Соул Калибура" ("The Fall Of Soul Edge And Soul Calibur") (2016)
Часть 4 (Part 4)
  1. "Тёмный Клинок" ("Dark Blade") (2017)
  2. "Тёмный Мститель" ("The Dark Avenger") (2017)
  3. "Посланник Смерти" (2022)
  4. "Наследие" (2022)
  5. "Договор" (2022) (Черновик)
  6. "Трудный выбор" (2022)
  7. "Путь домой" (2022)
  8. "Добро пожаловать домой" (2018) 18+
  9. "Беспокойные сердца" (2022)
  10. "Верховный владыка" (2022)
  11. "Побег" (2022)
  12. "Истинные причины" (2023)
  13. "Тень прошлого" (2023)
  14. "Рокировка" (2023)
  15. "Передышка" (2024)
  16. "Воскрешение" (2024)
  17. "Древний враг" (COMING SOON)
  18. "Проклятие" (COMING SOON)
  19. "Исчезновение" (COMING SOON)
Часть 5 (Part 5)
Часть 6 (Part 6)
Эпилог (Epilogue)

Original Stories

Short original stories from the author that are not part of the DSU series.

Рассказы автора, не относящиеся к серии DSU:
  1. "По ту сторону" (2009)
  2. "Грей" (2009)
  3. "Космо Каньон" (2009)
  4. "Страж Восхода" (2009)
  5. "May It Be..." (2010)
  6. "Действенный способ узнать всё" (2010)
  7. "Тьма" (2010)
  8. "Навеяно Сайлент Хиллом" (2013)
  9. "Oblivion" (2019)
  10. "Гладиатор из трущоб" (2019)
  11. "Прикосновение" 18+ (2019)
  12. "Свидание с прошлым" (2022)
  13. "Тоска" (2022)
  14. "В "паутине" самообмана" (2022)
  15. "Вдохновение, которое ушло" (2022)
  16. "Метро" (2022)
  17. "В пассивном поиске" (2022)
  18. "Сэмпай" (2023)
  19. "Ты словно сон" (2024)

Author's preface

About my work

I'll make it clear right away, I am not a professional writer, I have never studied this art purposefully and do not intend to. To be honest, I couldn't stand "literature" and "Russian language" at school, and I would never have thought that in the future I would be somehow interested in this type of creativity. Therefore, I ask you not to be too critical of my work. I do not write for the sake of making money, but simply for my own pleasure.

I started writing by keeping an online diary (or blog). On the same resource, I decided to try to novelize the plot of my favorite game - Final Fantasy VII. The process took me three years. In addition to transferring dialogues from the TV screen to text, I added descriptions of events from myself. All this helped to some extent to lay the foundation for writing.

I wrote my first short story ("On the other side") in May 2009. Although it was just a trial run, according to those who read it (friends and acquaintances), it turned out to be far from the "first pancake is always a flop" series. From that moment on, I occasionally tried to write something. These were mainly short sketches in the fantasy genre.

Often, when I sit down to write, I don't even have a prepared plot, only some small moments or phrases that I would like to use, and, in the end, everything is adjusted to them. The story is made up on the fly.

All the stories written were created at different times (there were even breaks in writing lasting several years), in different genres (narrative, dialogue, adventure, fantasy, drama, romance, comedy, and even outright erotica), and with different moods (some stories are serious, others are humorous, and still others sometimes even slip into depression). They can also vary greatly in length: there are very short ones - lasting a few sentences; there are medium ones - consisting of several chapters; and there are those that consist of several parts. Of course, if desired, they can be divided into several short stories.

About the writing style

The reader may be bothered by the unusual design of the dialogues (this is especially true for the demon cycle). It's just the way it is, but I often describe the characters' dialogues like roles in a play, but at the same time I increasingly combine it with the artistic style. You don't need to tell me about this again. I understand everything perfectly well. But this presentation suits me. It helps me not to get lost in long conversations, trying once again to figure out which of the characters is saying the line. The demon story was originally (and still is) more of an online project than fiction.

I myself don't really like reading "long sheets", and you can't force the reader, so I try to write short stories - within 15'000-25'000 characters. This way, I can catch my breath in between writing.

I don't use red lines, preferring to simply separate paragraphs with intervals.

I don't like to spend a lot of time describing landscapes and locations. I'm not Tolstoy and I can't write about oak trees.

About the Demon Universe

My original character Sanya, nicknamed "Demon", first appeared in December 1999 in the editor of the game "WCW Mayhem". At that time, the character editor in games was not as common as it is now, and creating my own character was new to me. As for the available nicknames that the host announced when the wrestler entered the ring, I chose "Demon". Surprisingly, the character took root. Purely for fun, an alternative image was later created - Demon Sanya. He was larger, taller, a little less agile and technical, but stronger than the original. And he looked like his nickname. This is how the beta version of the familiar blue demon appeared. By the way, initially he was not blue at all - it was more like a bee-like humanoid.

A year later I got my hands on the game "WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role" (2000). Here the character editor gave more freedom to the imagination. And all the characters created in "WCW Mayhem" migrated to the new game. And the demon for the first time acquired his usual blue skin color (although, at first it was gray-blue).

The image of the demonic entity was partially borrowed from the hentai anime "The Legend of the Super-Demon" ("Urotsukidoji: Chojin Densetsu"), but without any tentacles and perversions. I really liked the idea of a demon living in a human body and breaking out when necessary - danger threatens or just in rage. And Sanya was originally conceived as the main character, and the demon was just an addition, a kind of super-power. Later, this idea underwent a radical change, but more on that later...

Perhaps, to some extent, the anime "Devilman: Bird Demon Siren" ("Devilman: Yochou Sirene-hen") influenced me, although when creating the demonic appearance, I did not even remember this anime.

Another character that influenced the character of the hero was Asura / Yuda from the game series "Samurai Shodown". From him came the nickname "One-winged Angel".

Another anime reference to "Princess Mononoke" ("Mononoke Hime") by Hayao Miyazaki. The main character in a fight with a wild boar caught a curse from it, which grew in the form of a mark on his hand. Demon Sanya also received a similar mark on his left hand. And years later, in newer game editors, this mark turned into a drawing on the whole hand.

Many of my friends compare Sanya's image with Albert Wesker, Duke Nukem and Johnny Bravo. Indeed, there is such a thing. A blond guy in sunglasses. To tell the truth, when I first saw Albert Wesker in "Resident Evil Code: VERONICA", I was very surprised by how much he resembled Sanya. And the character's demonic eyes made the resemblance even more. I didn't play the first part of "Resident Evil" and was not familiar with the character before "Code: VERONICA", and I created Sanya without any references to Wesker.

Later, Sanya was created in "WWF SmackDown!" (2000), "WCW Backstage Assault" (2000) and "WWF Attitude" (1999), but without the demonic image and partners. And the games themselves were not particularly played. So the character was abandoned for almost 10 years. I remembered about him only when I got my hands on the game "WWE SmackDown! Vs. RAW 2008".

Around the same time, my friends suggested that I play the tabletop role-playing game "Age of Aquarius". Since the action takes place not somewhere in the Middle Ages, but in our time, I chose my original character - Sanya - as a game character. In the game, my character could control fire, and his demon image was nicknamed "Infernal". I can't say now when exactly the element of fire was assigned to the demon, but after the "Age of Aquarius" the emphasis on this became stronger. The character has not had a backstory for so many years, and therefore in the board game he initially suffers from amnesia (later this fact will be taken into account in the plot).

About a year later, the game "SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny" was released, where I again decided to recreate Sanya. But the usual image of a blond man in dark glasses did not fit with medieval swordsmen. But the demonic appearance went in perfectly. So the image of the demon gradually began to displace the human one. And three years later (already in 2012), I wrote a short backstory for the character, where the demon was already the main character, and the human was just the appearance under which he reluctantly hides. Let me remind you that initially the character was conceived as a person with demonic abilities, but then everything changed dramatically.

"The Legend of Demon Sanya" was rather an attempt to somehow declare the character: to tell his short story; to attract attention; and the most important thing at that time was to make a connection to some game universe. The series of games "SoulCalibur", covering the medieval period of the demon's wanderings, became such a universe for a long time. And the fact that the Demon was played by me in the "Age of Aquarius", later added a plot to him already in the 21st century.

I did not force myself to be attached to the plot of "SoulCalibur", deliberately turning everything into fan fiction. The Demon always kept himself apart from the characters and events of the series. In my stories, I used only some elements, like the cursed sword. But I think this is no more critical than using the race of Tolkien's elves in the works of other writers.

Time passed, new stories were gradually invented, and the number of my characters increased so much that they no longer fit within the framework of someone else's universe. And then I needed my own separate universe. That's how Demon Sanya Universe (or simply DSU) was born. Yes, I don't really like the name, but I still haven't come up with an alternative.

DSU has its own chronology of events (hence the reading order), but the sequence of writing stories is absolutely chaotic for me. After the medieval period, I can jump to writing a story in modern times, and then return to the era of swordsmen to write another story that plugs some holes in the plot. You can't foresee everything - you have to figure it out somehow. By the way, it's easier to write about the present, screwing in modern words and expressions. The events of some stories follow one another or even in parallel, and years or even centuries can pass between the events of other stories.

Among the essays, there are both interesting and not so interesting ones. The most boring to me now are the first works, where the writer's hand was not yet trained, and apart from a dry narration of events with a bunch of undeveloped characters there was nothing special (unfortunately, 2-3 such stories turned out to be in the middle of the plot and you just have to endure them). Now the stories are dominated by chatter, since without dialogue and chemistry between the characters I simply do not see an interesting story. I am gradually rewriting some of the old ones, making a more detailed remake. Well, and, if possible, I try to develop secondary characters that I missed.