English |
Краткий обзор серии (Series overview) |
Часть 1 (Part 1) |
Часть 2 (Part 2) |
Часть 3 (Part 3) |
Часть 4 (Part 4) |
Часть 5 (Part 5) |
Часть 6 (Part 6) |
Эпилог (Epilogue) |
Soul Edge versus Soul Calibur
SoulCalibur V epilogue...
17 long years had passed since the Soul Edge and the Soul Calibur showed the signs of life in the World of Mortals for the last time. But in the past few months the strange sickness spread over Europe. The people contaminated by the seeds of evil appeared in the different cities of the continent. Malfested... that was how they called those people. What served the source of the plague? The rumors about the new Nightmare, the seed brought to life with the forces of the Soul Edge, reached the ears of Alexander. The demon hurried to where, according to rumors, the enemy had settled - in Denever Castle. The combat that started on the flatland was the only obstacle to the aim. Suddenly the brightest splash lit the battlefield. Alexander was already late for that moment. The Nightmare was defeated. Still there was need to be sure of it personally.
Demon came to the square in front of the abandoned Denevér Castle just at the moment when the combat of Good versus Evil had been over. He found the Soul Edge which was long sought by demon in the middle of that square. It was one great opportunity to destroy the blade once and for all. Suddenly demon felt strange power coming from somewhere and that was definitely not from the sword.

Lexa obtains Soul Calibur
Right at the moment they felt it, Lexa came out of the tower shade holding the weapon designed to destroy the Soul Edge. Few moments earlier demoness witnessed the touching collateral salvation of the young man and his sister. There was indeed some mysterious swords interference. When the great pillar of fire lit the sky, happy boy and girl left the castle, Lexa got her chance. She understood that though blades were left without masters they were still alive.
Alexander fights against Lexa
She also knew that soon the one she had wanted to see for so long would appear here. Lexa challenged Alexander, wanting to prove that she was finally capable of surpassing her idol. Left with no other choice, the demon raised Soul Edge again to fight Lexa. Even if not immediately, the demon defeated her. During the last battle, both swords exhausted their strength. The cursed sword smashed the already exhausted Soul Calibur. To prevent Soul Edge from gaining power over him again, Alexander stabbed him into the stone floor and let go of the handle. Frustrated by the sudden defeat, Lexa summoned her golem. Killer who emerged from the purple haze unquestioningly obeyed his creator and attacked the demon, shooting him in the back. The wounded Alexander fell to his knee. Lexa tossed her broken blade aside in disappointment. Soul Calibur wasn't as useful a weapon as she thought.
Carmella fights against Killer
In a short moment after the notorious fight two female warriors of the draenei race - Aletta and Carmella - appeared on the square. They came here in searches of the Soul Edge - the sword that is capable of opening the portal and bring them home to their world. Upon seeing them Lexa nodded to Killer and he obeyed in silence confronting the unexpected guests.

Lexa is a new Soul Edge master
Lexa walked by the unconscious Demon and tried to reach the forsaken sword. The eye of the Soul Edge pinned its new potential master. Lexa picked the blade up and could barely grip the incredible power that overwhelmed her at that very moment. Even in its exhausted state, the sword spirit was strong.
Aletta fights against Lexa
The sisters managed to win the creature made by the demon but right after that they had to combat Lexa who was holding the Soul Edge. Lexa soon had those two flat on their backs without any problems from her side. But at the moment Aletta and Carmella felt speed approach of their death something unexpected happened...
Lexa was standing looking at them when the great shade covered her from behind her back - the shadow of the wounded demon. He attacked her with all of his might and, preventing her to use the Soul Edge, hits the eye of the sword with the splintered Soul Calibur's blade. The bright splash blinds the arena and the wounded warriors. The cursed blade cracked and split into several pieces. Lexa was now set free and having lost all of her strength fell in the arms of Alexander. Soul Edge was defeated, but not demolished. The good and the evil, the light and the dark shall never vanish for good. To this or the other extend they would last forever. Demon knew it about himself too.
When Lexa came to senses Alexander approached her.
- You became stronger since our last meeting, - he smiled, - but those swords only exist for the sake of destruction and you cannot control them. The one who holds the sword becomes its puppet. I do not want such a fate. Neither for myself… nor for you...
Lexa slightly smiled him.
Later Aletta and Carmella thanked Alexander for their salvation. Unfortunately for them the Soul Edge was not the key to open the door to their home world and that meant another adventure of searches for them. Having divided the splinters of the swords between each other demons and draeneis decided to hide them in the different parts of the world. At least it could help for some short period of time.
But the human hearts are greedy and ambitious to power, therefore, sooner or later, but the Soul Edge and the Soul Calibur would come to light again. And then demon would come to search for them and maintain the equilibrium of forces here for a bit longer again.
This text was written in 2 July 2014, translated to english in 10 July 2014.
For English translation MY SPECIAL THANKS to my friend Mikomi Jade.
Краткий обзор серии (Series overview) |
Часть 1 (Part 1) |
Часть 2 (Part 2) |
Часть 3 (Part 3) |
Часть 4 (Part 4) |
Часть 5 (Part 5) |
Часть 6 (Part 6) |
Эпилог (Epilogue) |