- "Don't let me down, Lady Luck."
- — Scorpio
Scorpio (蠍座, Sasoriza) is a original character. He was created by Demon Sanya at 2023 for the story "Mistrust".
Middle Ages
- "Mistrust"
- "Hellhounds"
- "Consequences" (not participate, but mentioned)
- Zodiac Signs - gang
- Zodiac - ally
- Gemini - ally
- Taurus - ally
- Lexa - ally, later enemy
- Vortex - ally, later enemy
- Leo - ex-ally
- Aries - ex-ally
- Capricorn - ex-ally
- Sagittarius - ex-ally
- Aquarius - ex-ally
- Cancer - ex-ally
- Pisces - ex-ally
- Bloodian - employer
- Alexander - target
- Scorpio comes from a noble family.
- His father squandered all the family's savings.
- Scorpio is one of the Zodiac Signs.
- There is an incomprehensible connection between him and Gemini. They are allies who sometimes can't stand each other. But, nevertheless, they worry about each other.
- Scorpio was killed by Alexander.
Games and Media
SoulCalibur Universe
Fighting Style
Scorpio uses Hwang's fighting style.
Cursed is the same form as Hwang's Dragon Sword.
Critical Edge
Lady Luck
Soul Charge
Scorpio can make use of his talismans to maintain control of the battle, which includes increased range on his attacks, regaining health, buffed defense, and many more. However, spending the use of it below the zero count consumes a portion of his life in the following round.