Character was recreated in memory of Sergey Volohov (12.05.1987 - 04.09.2003).
Potsak (ポツァク, Potsu~aku) is a original character. He was created by Sergey Volohov at 2000 for the video game WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role.
- Serik - WWE Tag-team partner
- White Ninja - WWE Tag-team partner
- Killer - WWE Tag-team partner
- Potsak is a zombie.
- He was created by Sergey Volohov at 2000 for the video game WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role.
Games and Media
WWE Universe
"WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role" (2000) was the first game where character Potsak are appears. He is a Hardcore wrestler.
Potsak is a member of the Spider Team together with White Ninja and Serik. And he is a member of the Walking Dead team together with Killer.
- Death Valley Driver
- Dominator
- Cobra Clutch
Music Theme
"Welcome to the Dog Pound" (Rick Steiner's music theme)