Demon Sanya Universe Wikia
Demon Sanya Universe Wikia


Melia (メリア, Meria) is a original character. She was created by Melia at 2009 for tabletop role-playing game Age of Aquarius.



  1. "Demon's Diary"



  • The name Malia is an abbreviated form from Melkoel - another character of the same creator.
  • The character image is similar to its creator.
  • Malia was created by Melia at 2009 for tabletop role-playing game Age of Aquarius.

Games and Media

Age of Aquarius Universe

Melia is a swimming coach. She was recruited Institute of Applied Exophysics. Mella was in the same squad along with Alexander, Mouse and White Hacker. After Alexandra and Andrei declared war on the Institute, she joined them.

Special abilities: able to control water, both in a liquid state and in the form of ice.

Abaddon | Abigor | Adrian de Leon | Ailin | Aku | Aletta | Alex | Alexander (Demon / Human) | Alice | Andrei | Angelina | Anita | Ash | Barn | Black Ninja | Bloodian | Bob | Carmella | Christina | Clara | Death | Demian | Devil | Dominica | Elena | Ella | Fafnir | Fio | Fortune (Cat / Human) | Frost | Gemini | Iria | Jessica | Josh | Kami | Katarina | Kaya | Kira (Human / Golem) | Kriya | Lexa (Demoness / Human) | Leviathan | Librant | Lily | Lucia | Luka | Lyutsey | Mammona | Marcos | Margo | Marika | Mary | Max Tyler | Maximilian | Melia | Melkoel | Michael | Mike | Mira | Mouse | Natalie | Necro | Nemesis | Nero | Nexus | Nirvana | Nora | Nyx | Oksana | Olga | Peter | Petrovich | Phoenix | Potsak | Questa | Ricardo Montero | Rosario Montero | Sasha | Scarlet | Scorpio | Serik (Spider / Human) | Sigmar | Tamas | Taurelia | Taurus | Tis | Trix | Typhoon | Uris | Viktor Semyonov | Vincent | Viola | Void | Vortex | Walter | White Hacker | White Ninja | Wiglyph | Xion | Yon | Zara | Zodiac
Groups, Teams and Organizations
1/35 | Demons & Dragons | Fallen Angels | Fraternity Of Hell | Fu-Ma Ninja Clan | Greywing Cult | Institute Of Applied Exophysics | Ninja | Order Of Leviathan | Spider Team | Walking Dead | Zodiac Signs
Angel's Realm | Astral Chaos | Demon's Realm | Earth Realm | Realm Of The Dead
Dark Edge | Nameless | Scythe Of Death | Soul Calibur | Soul Edge