Demon Sanya Universe Wikia
Demon Sanya Universe Wikia

"I'll give you a lesson in humility."
— Lexa

Lexa also have a human form.


Lexa (レクサ, Rekusa) is a original character. She was created by Demon Sanya at 2009 for the story "The Legend Of Demon Sanya".


Middle Ages

  1. "The Legend Of Demon Sanya"
  2. "Fraternity Challenge - Part 1"
  3. "Fraternity Challenge - Part 2"
  4. "Tipping Point"
  5. "Bad Order"
  6. "Mistrust"
  7. "Hellhounds"
  8. "Night Of Revelations"
  9. "The Fall Of The Brotherhood" (not participate, but mentioned)
  10. "Consequences"
  11. "Soul Edge Versus Soul Calibur"
  12. "The Fall Of Soul Edge And Soul Calibur"
  13. "Dark Blade"
  14. "The Dark Avenger"
  15. "Messenger Of Death" (not participate, but mentioned)
  16. "Legacy" (not participate, but mentioned)
  17. "Contract" (+ Draft) (not participate, but mentioned)
  18. "Way Back Home" (not participate, but mentioned)
  19. "Welcome Home"
  20. "Anxious Hearts"
  21. "Overlord"
  22. "Escape"
  23. "True Reasons"
  24. "Castling" (not participate, but mentioned)
  25. "Respite"
  26. "Resurrection" (not participate, but mentioned)


  1. "Wild Fire Of The City Of Angels" (not participate, but mentioned)
  2. "Lost Memories" (not participate, but mentioned)
  3. "Demon's Diary" (not participate, but mentioned)
  4. "Reunion"
  5. "Hen-Party"
  6. "Blood And Fire" (not participate, but mentioned)
  7. "Calm Before The Storm"
  8. "Gray-Winged"
  9. "Life Stone" (not participate, but mentioned)
  10. "Vampire Problems" (not participate, but mentioned)
  11. "Demon Lord"
  12. "Date With An Angel"
  13. "Men's Talk"
  14. "Stolen Sword"
  15. "Bedtime Story" (not participate, but mentioned)


  1. "Gladiator From The Slums"



  • Lexa, although she is a constant companion of Alexandr, appeared 10 years later. This happened in 2009. The demoness was born in the editor of the game "SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny".
  • Her name should have been similar to the name of Alexander. At first she was "Alexa", then the name changed to "Flexa" and only then she began to be called "Lexa".
  • Like Alexander, initially the demoness did not have her own story and was considered simply a close friend of the protagonist. And only three years after its creation, when small introductory story was written, she received a separate chapter in it. In 2019 (almost 10 years after its creation), Lexa acquired some backstory already in another story.
  • The demoness’s skin color is slightly lighter than Alexander's. And the eye color was originally white, but later the pupils became green, like her human appearance.
  • As a human, Lexa wears purple colors and orange hair color. Because of this orange hair, she received her second name - Vixen (Female fox).
  • Lexa has no special magical abilities, and therefore the demoness compensates for this lack of skill in wielding melee weapons and acrobatics.
  • In "SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny", Lexa had a lizard tail and no clothing below her waist.
  • In the game "SoulCalibur IV" she does not have horns (there were no such items of equipment in the game), so the demoness's head is covered with a headdress.
  • In the WWE games, Lexa uses the "Flying Heel Kick" move, similar to the "Diving Raven" move Ivy from the game "SoulCalibur".
  • Lexa's parents died when she was still a child.
  • She joined a gang of young thieves - Zodiac Signs.
  • Later she will leave the gang and become a mercenary.
  • Vortex - Lexa's childhood friend.
  • Lexa was accepted into the service of Fraternity Of Hell, but after Alexander's betrayal, Abaddon released her from service.
  • Lexa secretly gave birth to twins - Angelina and Demian. And she raised them alone.
  • In one of the episodes Lexa was killed by Abigor. Death as an exception brought the demoness back to life.
  • In the 21st century, Lexa is the owner of the bar "D&D" in Moscow.

Games and Media

Inspiration and resemblance

List of characters in which I see the resemblance with image of Lexa:

  • Asmodeus "ShinraBansho"
  • Astaroth "ShinraBansho"
  • Mystique "X-Men"
  • Towa "Dragon Ball"

SoulCalibur Universe

Arcade Ending

Soul Edge has already taken the essences of Alexander's brothers, so it is not so easy to destroy him. The demon decides to sacrifice his force to put an end to evil, but Lexa appears in time. The demoness managed to find Soul Calibur, which is capable of destroying the cursed sword. Together, Alexander and Lexa destroy Soul Edge once and for all.

Fighting Style

Lexa uses Ivy's fighting style.



Heartbreaker is the same form as Ivy's Dream Blade.

Critical Finish

Shattered heart

Lexa whips the opponent and starts an alchemist spell to trap the opponent in a ball. Then she splits the blade up into small pieces, and shoots them into the opponent.

Critical Edge

Shattered heart (SCV)

Lexa grabs the enemy and uses a spell to lift him into the air. Then the separated parts of the sword deliver a series of blows.

Shattered heart (SCVI)

Soul Charge

Lexa regains her Serpent's Embrace stance, and gains new long-range command throw. Summon Suffering is now an unblockable command throw.


SoulCalibur IV

SoulCalibur V

Ease of Use, Power, Attack Rate, Speed, Reach.

SoulCalibur VI

Difficulty, Type, Offense, Close, Defense, Far

Fan Games

Lexa appears in some Fan Games:

SoulCalibur: Dawn Of Destiny

Episode 5 - Darkspawn

Lexa hides behind a large boulder. She watches the demon. Then, she waited until Ivy left the battlefield, and only after that had she come into the circle of the moonlight.

Lexa: - So... Alexander had not gotten rid of Soul Edge. Very interesting. How and why does Soul Edge still live? Maybe Alexander succumbed to the power of the Soul Edge? Too many questions... In any case, I'll have to find out myself. And by the way... maybe Soul Calibur still lives as well and not lost its power...

Lexa opened the portal, and moving to the Free Imperial City. The city was engulfed in fire. A mysterious girl stood, surrounded by dead bodies.

Lexa: - You're not a demon. What kind of creature are you?

Night Raven: - I am the product of Soul Edge!

Lexa: - Product of Soul Edge? This sword can't create such monsters. Who created you? Answer me!

Night Raven: - It's... a new... Elysium...

Wounded Night Raven lost consciousness.

Lexa: - New Elysium? She was the Spirit of Soul Calibur... What does it mean?

WWE Universe

"WWE 2K16" is the first WWE game where Lexa appears. She appears only as demon (without human form).

Lexa is a member of the Demons & Dragons together with Jessica and Alexander.


  • Butterfly DDT / Future Shock
  • Single Knee Facebreaker


  • Lifting Reverse STO / End Of Days
  • Choo Choo Buster
  • Codebreaker
  • Shattered Dreams
  • Wristlock Springboard DDT
  • Emma Lock

Music Theme

  • "Metalingus" (Edge's music theme)

Age of Aquarius Universe

Lexa was not appears in the Russian role-playing game "Age of Aquarius", but she was added as guest character in short story.

Abaddon | Abigor | Adrian de Leon | Ailin | Aku | Aletta | Alex | Alexander (Demon / Human) | Alice | Andrei | Angelina | Anita | Ash | Barn | Black Ninja | Bloodian | Bob | Carmella | Christina | Clara | Death | Demian | Devil | Dominica | Elena | Ella | Fafnir | Fio | Fortune (Cat / Human) | Frost | Gemini | Iria | Jessica | Josh | Kami | Katarina | Kaya | Kira (Human / Golem) | Kriya | Lexa (Demoness / Human) | Leviathan | Librant | Lily | Lucia | Luka | Lyutsey | Mammona | Marcos | Margo | Marika | Mary | Max Tyler | Maximilian | Melia | Melkoel | Michael | Mike | Mira | Mouse | Natalie | Necro | Nemesis | Nero | Nexus | Nirvana | Nora | Nyx | Oksana | Olga | Peter | Petrovich | Phoenix | Potsak | Questa | Ricardo Montero | Rosario Montero | Sasha | Scarlet | Scorpio | Serik (Spider / Human) | Sigmar | Tamas | Taurelia | Taurus | Tis | Trix | Typhoon | Uris | Viktor Semyonov | Vincent | Viola | Void | Vortex | Walter | White Hacker | White Ninja | Wiglyph | Xion | Yon | Zara | Zodiac
Groups, Teams and Organizations
1/35 | Demons & Dragons | Fallen Angels | Fraternity Of Hell | Fu-Ma Ninja Clan | Greywing Cult | Institute Of Applied Exophysics | Ninja | Order Of Leviathan | Spider Team | Walking Dead | Zodiac Signs
Angel's Realm | Astral Chaos | Demon's Realm | Earth Realm | Realm Of The Dead
Dark Edge | Nameless | Scythe Of Death | Soul Calibur | Soul Edge