- "Doubts and fears will sabotage one's victory."
- — Carmella
Carmella (カーメラ, Kāmera) is a original character. She was created by Demon Sanya at 2010 for the story "Soul Edge Versus Soul Calibur".
Middle Ages
- Aletta - twin sister
- Angelina - ally and apprentice
- Demian - ally
- Alexander - ally, interesting
- Lexa - ally
- Taurelia - ally
- Serik - ally
- Draenei twin sisters - Aletta and Carmella through a mysterious portal opened by Soul Edge, come from their world in World of Mortals. Since then, they have been trying to find a way home or something that can open a portal to their home world. One day, Carmella hears a legend about a sword with similar powers. So the sisters begin their search for him.
- Of the two sisters, Aletta was created first. At first she didn't even have a name. It was simply listed as "Draenei". Carmella appears much later than Aletta.
- Carmella is much wise and circumspect.
- During the battle she relies first of all on intelligence and strategy.
- The Draenei race was borrowed from the game World Of Warcraft.
- Later she become a mentor of young demoness Angelina.
Games and Media
SoulCalibur Universe
Arcade Ending
Unfortunately, Draenei sisters have not been able to find a way to return to their home world. They remained in the World of Mortals. Aletta began to visit the Colisseum, where she becomes the undefeated champion. None of the people could not be compared with her ability to handle a sword. And Carmella accepted to the academy, where for many years she taught philosophy and fencing. But despite the humility of their fate, the sisters not lost hope of ever returning to home.
Fighting Style
Aletta uses Ivy's fighting style.
Rune Snake
Rune Snake is the same form as Ivy's Dream Blade.
Critical Finish
Rune Chain
Carmella whips the opponent and starts an alchemist spell to trap the opponent in a ball. Then she splits the blade up into small pieces, and shoots them into the opponent.
Critical Edge
Rune Chain (SCV)
Carmella grabs the enemy and uses a spell to lift him into the air. Then the separated parts of the sword deliver a series of blows.
Rune Chain (SCVI)
Soul Charge
Carmella regains her Serpent's Embrace stance, and gains new long-range command throw. Summon Suffering is now an unblockable command throw.
SoulCalibur IV
SoulCalibur V
Ease of Use, Power, Attack Rate, Speed, Reach.
SoulCalibur VI
Difficulty, Type, Offense, Close, Defense, Far