Demon Sanya Universe Wikia
Demon Sanya Universe Wikia

"Cheer up!"
— Christina


Christina (クリスチナ, Kurisutina) is a original character. She was created by Demon Sanya at 2019 for the story "Wild Fire Of The City Of Angels".



  1. "Wild Fire Of The City Of Angels"
  2. "Demon's Diary" (not participate, but mentioned)
  3. "Reunion" (not participate, but mentioned)
  4. "Vampire Problems" (not participate, but mentioned)
  5. "Date With An Angel"
  6. "Men's Talk" (not participate, but mentioned)



  • Christina is a kind and cheerful girl.
  • She helps father run a bar on the outskirts of Los Angeles.
  • One day, Alexander saved Christina from trouble. That's how she met the demon. Over time, they became close.
  • She helped Alexander the demon adapt to the new world.
  • A few years later, Christina died tragically trying to protect Alexander. She remained in the demon's memory forever.
  • After her death, her soul was unknowingly absorbed by Alexander. For this reason, she appears in the demon's dreams.
  • Christina was conceived as a sacrificial character.

Games and Media

Abaddon | Abigor | Adrian de Leon | Ailin | Aku | Aletta | Alex | Alexander (Demon / Human) | Alice | Andrei | Angelina | Anita | Ash | Barn | Black Ninja | Bloodian | Bob | Carmella | Christina | Clara | Death | Demian | Devil | Dominica | Elena | Ella | Fafnir | Fio | Fortune (Cat / Human) | Frost | Gemini | Iria | Jessica | Josh | Kami | Katarina | Kaya | Kira (Human / Golem) | Kriya | Lexa (Demoness / Human) | Leviathan | Librant | Lily | Lucia | Luka | Lyutsey | Mammona | Marcos | Margo | Marika | Mary | Max Tyler | Maximilian | Melia | Melkoel | Michael | Mike | Mira | Mouse | Natalie | Necro | Nemesis | Nero | Nexus | Nirvana | Nora | Nyx | Oksana | Olga | Peter | Petrovich | Phoenix | Potsak | Questa | Ricardo Montero | Rosario Montero | Sasha | Scarlet | Scorpio | Serik (Spider / Human) | Sigmar | Tamas | Taurelia | Taurus | Tis | Trix | Typhoon | Uris | Viktor Semyonov | Vincent | Viola | Void | Vortex | Walter | White Hacker | White Ninja | Wiglyph | Xion | Yon | Zara | Zodiac
Groups, Teams and Organizations
1/35 | Demons & Dragons | Fallen Angels | Fraternity Of Hell | Fu-Ma Ninja Clan | Greywing Cult | Institute Of Applied Exophysics | Ninja | Order Of Leviathan | Spider Team | Walking Dead | Zodiac Signs
Angel's Realm | Astral Chaos | Demon's Realm | Earth Realm | Realm Of The Dead
Dark Edge | Nameless | Scythe Of Death | Soul Calibur | Soul Edge