Demon Sanya Universe Wikia
Demon Sanya Universe Wikia

— Ash


Ash (灰, Hai) is a original character. He was created by Demon Sanya at 2018 for the story "Fraternity Challenge".


Middle Ages

  1. "Fraternity Challenge - Part 1"
  2. "Fraternity Challenge - Part 2"
  3. "Bad Order" (not participate, but mentioned)
  4. "Messenger Of Death" (not participate, but mentioned)
  5. "Castling" (not participate, but mentioned)
  6. "Resurrection"



  • Ash is a mute demon.
  • Young Ash sought to serve the good of the Demon's world. After one of the battles, he was seriously wounded and left in the World of mortals by his own detachment, who found him more unfit for service. People found half-dead Ash and swept away all their aggression for the damage they had caused — they tortured and injured a demon. Then he lost his tongue. But Ash managed to escape and return to his homeland, which abandoned him.
  • Over the years that have passed since then, he has become much stronger, but along with his strength, his resentment towards the Demon's world and the world of mortals grew. Then he joined the Order Of Leviathan.
  • Eye of Leviathan gave to Ash earth abilities.
  • Ash fell in battle against Abaddon.

Games and Media

SoulCalibur Universe

Fighting Style

Ash uses Astaroth's fighting style.



Crusher is the same form as Astaroth' Heavy Ax.

Critical Edge

Rage of Axe (SCV)

Ash grabs his opponent and slams them to the ground. He then spins him on the ground with his axe creating a fire vortex.

Rage of Axe (SCVI)

Soul Charge

Ash has increased throw range and can access super-armor during Soul Charge, reducing damage taken for the period.


SoulCalibur V

Ease of Use, Power, Attack Rate, Speed, Reach.

SoulCalibur VI

Difficulty, Type, Offense, Close, Defense, Far

Abaddon | Abigor | Adrian de Leon | Ailin | Aku | Aletta | Alex | Alexander (Demon / Human) | Alice | Andrei | Angelina | Anita | Ash | Barn | Black Ninja | Bloodian | Bob | Carmella | Christina | Clara | Death | Demian | Devil | Dominica | Elena | Ella | Fafnir | Fio | Fortune (Cat / Human) | Frost | Gemini | Iria | Jessica | Josh | Kami | Katarina | Kaya | Kira (Human / Golem) | Kriya | Lexa (Demoness / Human) | Leviathan | Librant | Lily | Lucia | Luka | Lyutsey | Mammona | Marcos | Margo | Marika | Mary | Max Tyler | Maximilian | Melia | Melkoel | Michael | Mike | Mira | Mouse | Natalie | Necro | Nemesis | Nero | Nexus | Nirvana | Nora | Nyx | Oksana | Olga | Peter | Petrovich | Phoenix | Potsak | Questa | Ricardo Montero | Rosario Montero | Sasha | Scarlet | Scorpio | Serik (Spider / Human) | Sigmar | Tamas | Taurelia | Taurus | Tis | Trix | Typhoon | Uris | Viktor Semyonov | Vincent | Viola | Void | Vortex | Walter | White Hacker | White Ninja | Wiglyph | Xion | Yon | Zara | Zodiac
Groups, Teams and Organizations
1/35 | Demons & Dragons | Fallen Angels | Fraternity Of Hell | Fu-Ma Ninja Clan | Greywing Cult | Institute Of Applied Exophysics | Ninja | Order Of Leviathan | Spider Team | Walking Dead | Zodiac Signs
Angel's Realm | Astral Chaos | Demon's Realm | Earth Realm | Realm Of The Dead
Dark Edge | Nameless | Scythe Of Death | Soul Calibur | Soul Edge