Abigor (アビゴル, Abigoru) is a original character. He was created by Demon Sanya at 2014 for the story "The Legend Of Demon Sanya".
Middle Ages
- "The Legend Of Demon Sanya"
- "Fraternity Challenge - Part 1"
- "Fraternity Challenge - Part 2"
- "Tipping Point"
- "Bad Order"
- "The Fall Of The Brotherhood"
- "The Fall Of Soul Edge And Soul Calibur"
- "Dark Blade" (not participate, but mentioned)
- "The Dark Avenger"
- "Messenger Of Death"
- "Contract" (not participate, but mentioned)
- "Resurrection" (not participate, but mentioned)
- "Bedtime Story" (not participate, but mentioned)
- Nexus - father
- Unknown demoness - mother
- Abaddon - olderer brother, later enemy
- Alexander - olderer brother, later enemy
- Bloodian - younger brother
- Angelina - niece
- Demian - nephew
- Devil - master
- Lily - master
- Order Of Leviathan - enemies
- Angels - enemies
- Abigor is a demon of Darkness and Chaos.
- He is the third of the brothers.
- Abigor is cold, irascible and vengeful.
- Originally he appears only in story "The Legend Of Demon Sanya".
- With the help of Soul Edge, Abigor is able to open a portal to the world of Astral Chaos.
- Soul Edge consumed Abigor's essence, but many years later he's back to life.
- Abigor fell in battle versus Alexander.
- In Mythology Abigor appears as a handsome man on a horse. In Soul Series he uses Nightmare's fighting style, and during his Critical Edge Abigor appears riding on a demonic horse.
Games and Media
SoulCalibur Universe
Fighting Style
Abigor uses Nightmare's fighting style.
Devastator is the same form as Nightmare's The Master (SCV) and Great Blade (Giant Buster) (SCVI).
Soul Edge
Soul Edge is the same form as Nightmare's Soul Edge (Male) (SCV).
Dark Edge
Dark Edge is the same form as Nightmare's Soul Edge (Veiled) (SCV) and Soul Edge (SCVI).
Critical Edge
Demon's Wrath (SCV)
Abigor says "See you in hell!", and does one heavy slash to knock his opponent to the ground. It can be charged to do more damage, and even kill some characters in one hit. The first few frames of his Critical Edge can Guard Impact attacks (slightly longer if charging), but it will do less damage to the opponent.
Demon's Wrath (SCVI)
Soul Charge
Abigor regains his Night Behind Stance, and many of his moves will cause him to enter Terror Charge, which allows him to access one Soul Charge-exclusive move.
SoulCalibur V
Ease of Use, Power, Attack Rate, Speed, Reach.
SoulCalibur VI
Difficulty, Type, Offense, Close, Defense, Far